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Title: Improving the Energy Efficiency of Traction Power Supply Systems by Means the Implementation of Alternative Power Sources
Authors: Nerubatskyі, V.
Plakhtii, O.
Hordiienko, D.
Keywords: traction power supply system
alternative power sources
solar panels
energy efficiency
electromagnetic compatibility
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology
Citation: Nerubatskyі V. Improving the Energy Efficiency of Traction Power Supply Systems by Means the Implementation of Alternative Power Sources / V. Nerubatskyi, O. Plakhtii, D. Hordiienko // Transport Means 2022 : Sustainability: Research and Solutions : proceedings of the 26 th International Scientific Conference. Part І, October 05-07, 2022. – Kaunas :Technologija, 2022. – Р. 459-464.
Abstract: The materials of the article present the structure of the railway power supply system with the implementation of solar and wind power plants, as well as powerful lithium-ion storage devices. It is established that the proposed structure of the power supply system allows it to significantly improve energy efficiency, reduces electricity costs, as well as provides the necessary indicators of electricity quality. An important element of such systems is semiconductor power converters, which provide modes of selection of maximum power of solar panels, modes of efficient charging / discharging of lithium-ion batteries, as well as electromagnetic compatibility of electric rolling stock of railways and power supply systems. The presented computer simulation model of the traction power supply system with alternative power sources was developed in the Matlab / Simulink software environment. The results of computer simulations made it possible to determine the main energy indicators of the system and indicators of electricity quality.
ISSN: 1822-296 X (print); 2351-7034 (on-line)
Appears in Collections:2022

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