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Title: Optimization of Cargo Movement in the Direction of Ukraine - European Countries on the Basis of Multimodal Routes
Authors: Prymachenko, H.
Hryhorova, Ye.
Kharlamov, P.
Kharlamova, O.
Tokarenko, A.
Keywords: multimodal freight transportation
road transport
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology
Citation: Optimization of Cargo Movement in the Direction of Ukraine - European Countries on the Basis of Multimodal Routes / H. Prymachenko, Ye. Hryhorova, P. Kharlamov, O. Kharlamova, A. Tokarenko // Transport Means 2022 : Sustainability: Research and Solutions : proceedings of the 26 th International Scientific Conference. Part І, October 05-07, 2022. – Kaunas :Technologija, 2022. – Р. 314-318.
Abstract: The state of the Ukrainian transport system in modern conditions is studied. The main problems of the conditions of functioning of railway and road transport as the main carriers in the transport market are revealed. The importance of focusing on the logistics processes of all businesses has been proven. The formation of multimodal routes with the participation of rail and road transport in the direction of Ukraine - the European Union by applying the scoring method and the method of hierarchy analysis, as an appendix to the decision support system of the automated control system of the main mode of transport on the multimodal route. The obtained results showed a potential economic effect in the first year after implementation.
ISSN: 1822-296 X (print); 2351-7034 (on-line)
Appears in Collections:2022

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