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dc.contributor.authorIschuka, O.-
dc.contributor.authorLomotko, D.-
dc.contributor.authorLomotko, M.-
dc.identifier.citationIschuka О. Logistics Approach in Energy-Efficient Technology for Shunting Work at the Marshalling Station / O. Ischuka, D. Lomotko, M. Lomotko // Transport Means 2022 : Sustainability: Research and Solutions : proceedings of the 26 th International Scientific Conference. Part І, October 05-07, 2022. – Kaunas :Technologija, 2022. – Р. 431-436.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn1822-296 X (print); 2351-7034 (on-line)-
dc.description.abstractAt the present time, operational planning of shunting work at marshalling station using logistics energy-efficient technologies is becoming extremely important. The article deals with actual issues of using the logistics approach in the energy-efficient technology of shunting work at marshalling station to determine the optimal sequence for the assembling of multi-group (transferred) freight train. The purpose of the research is to increase the efficiency of the process for assembling of multi-group freight trains by reducing the number of shunting movements. It is proposed the reducing of multiple re-sorting of cars both at marshalling station and at unloading station, which will lead to the significant reduction in the time consuming on maneuvers, the decrease in diesel fuel consumption, the cutting down in the corresponding operating costs of the station and the improvement in environmental performance of harmful emissions. Such approach is in line with the “Just In Time” logistics concepts and resource-saving. In this article, the analysis of the existing methods for the assembling of multi-group freight train at marshalling station was carried out. As the object of study, the definite multi-group freight train was considered, which was assembled on the Latvian Railway at Shkirotava marshalling station by appointment to Zemitany freight station. Particular attention is paid to the factors influencing the optimal sequence for assembling of multi-group freight train at marshalling station: the rational scheme for the assembling of car groups in the train, synchronization of interaction between the logistics intermediary (consignee and consignor) and at the railway carrier in the logistics chain of goods delivery. The use of the logistics approach to solving of the reviewed problem will easily permit to make the operational planning of the train-assembling process and the formation of logistics chain for goods delivery, taking into account the specific technological situation, which dynamically changes depending on the volume and nature of local operations at marshalling station. The use of logistics energy-efficient technology based on decision-making using the scheduling theory will reduce the time consuming by multi-group freight train at marshalling stations, which in turn will increase the efficiency of organization of shunting work, and ultimately will benefit all participants in the goods delivery chain.uk_UA
dc.publisherKaunas University of Technologyuk_UA
dc.subjectlogistics approachuk_UA
dc.subjectenergy-efficient technologyuk_UA
dc.subjectmarshalling stationuk_UA
dc.subjectshunting workuk_UA
dc.subjectoperational planninguk_UA
dc.subjecttrain assemblinguk_UA
dc.titleLogistics Approach in Energy-Efficient Technology for Shunting Work at the Marshalling Stationuk_UA
Appears in Collections:2022

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